"Until people wake up, and raise hell"
Today's topic is about the media coverage for war hero, Jessica Lynch, and the lack there of for equal, but black, war hero, Shoshanna Johnson. In many articles all over the web and on the front page of Time Magazine, you can find endless praises for the courageous, young blonde, Jessica Lynch and how she survived being a prisoner of war. However when searching for coverage of her comrade, fellow hero, and black prisoner of war, findings are slim.
Would I be jumping to conclusions if I assumed there was a lack of media coverage because she was a black individual, who was a prisoner of war for 22 days longer than Lynch? What about if I said it was pure prejudice that Johnson was cheated when she only received a 30% disability when Lynch received 70%? Let's also keep in mind that Johnson was actually shot by the Iraqi's and Lynch was only injured in a truck accident.
Wait a minute...... maybe Lynch received 70% because of all the media coverage and not because of the military's standards. But if that is so, whose fault is it that this young, black mother receives more than $700 less than Lynch per month? The media or the military.
Does the media have that much of an influence on today's society.... let's go further and ask if the media has that much influence on the government? (that's a scary thought)
Looking through a few online postings I ran across some excerpts of a poem that was written for Shoshanna Johnson, I thought it was quite creative and deep so take a look and tell me what you think http://www.musicforamerica.org/node/340
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