Not saying it as we speak...

My unsaid thoughts.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Utilitarian vs. Communitarian Ethics

Let me see if I can get this together.

Okay, Communitarians do what's good for the community as a whole. They seek group harmony, social stability and security. Utilitarianis seeks happiness or good for the majority. Although they seem similar they are quite different.

Utilitarians focus on the greatest good for the greatest number. This theory, however, leaves out the minority. Utilitarians aren't necessarily concerned with this small number of people who don't benefit from the actions. Communitarians on the other hand focus on the entire community (which community they refer to is still up in the air to me, but still community). Communitarians on the other hand have more of a cosmopolitansim perspective. Everyone in the community is just as important/equal as the other.

The Utilitarian Journalist is conflicted when reporting the news because there is no way in determing if the greatest number is receiving the greatest happiness/good. These journalists seem as though they become evasive by broadening the act and claim that reporting the news is creating the greatest good for the greatest number.

The Communitarian Journalist if forced to lose it's individuality and conform to benefit the community/common good. But with a world filled with different communities how is it possible to generate a common good? (This is where the two theories are similar) How does a journalist choose which community to satisfy? Why should one have to lose himself in order to please others?

This chapter was pretty confusing to me, but I hope I understood the basics of it.


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